Evening walk

Thankfully half way through the week.
I’m pretty chilly by the end of the day even though I try to move around a bit. I start my walk dressed for winter and rather mute and mind numbed until the rhythm and movement of walking seems to eventually start the engine and bring me to life again. I walked down the bridlepath, across the field which the farmer has recently planted up but not bothered to mark the footpath out so I uncomfortably crossed his crop to join the hedgerow. I was struck by the root/branch of this hawthorn and couldn’t work out what was going on. It was like an umbilical cord between the two trees, neither root nor branch but somehow both, coming out of one and feeding into the other. I wondered if the big branch had grown underneath and forced it up as it grew. Whatever and whichever, an oyster catcher peeped, there are now two lapwings, an owl hooted in the woods and I had warmed up and rejoined the world.

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