Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Big Walk! (Day 51)

The promised fine sunny day not disappoint. It was warm, very warm. So after I got the sheets on the washing line, we set off for a walk.

I had met neighbours the other day who said they were walking to Prestonfield Golf Course (all courses are open for walkers), and I checked on the map and it didn’t look much further than my two previous 10,000 step walks.

We had a nice walk through the Grange, admiring the fabulous big houses, with beautiful gardens. When we came to the Golf Club entrance, the gates were closed! As we turned away, three young folk arrived and, undeterred, merely leapt over them...

We walked further on, and came to the entrance to Prestonfield House, a posh hotel/restaurant that we visited pre-Christmas. The grounds are immaculate, with huge big old trees, beautiful lawns, and (at least two) wandering peacocks. We could hear one quite far away, and then we saw the other one, hurrying towards us. Archie could not believe his eyes! (Extra 1) What on Earth was this creature? And what a loud noise it made! However, it flew up into the tree and that was that. I had hoped he’d flash his tail for us - Archie would have been stunned.

And what a beautiful golf course it is. Huge trees lining the fairways, with Arthur’s Seat covered in yellow gorse looming high right beside us. (Extra 2) What a spectacular setting. It was my father’s second home for many years of his life in Edinburgh (he was very good at golf, as were my two brothers).

We walked through the trees and found the path (though a shut, but unlocked, door in the wall) to the Innocent Railway cycle path and thence back to the park and the Commonwealth Pool. There were lots of folk out walking, jogging, cycling. JR is inspired to walk round Arthur’s Seat soon.

It was a very long road home, but I kept going by thinking of a big glass of water, followed by a big mug of tea to accompany a big slice of banana cake. I was very stiff and completely stuffed when I got home. (11,958 - call it 12,000 - steps!! )

I was dozing off when the phone went - it had been arranged yesterday but I’d forgotten. A charming chap, Andrew, from the NHS Physio Department rang to chat about my aches and pains and how he proposes helping me. He’s going to arrange for a back specialist to see me at some point in the future.  Nice to know I’m still on one of their lists.

Might manage to fire up the barbie this evening...

Photo by JR

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