
By Raestelle

'Little Mr. Willie Wag-Tail"

...I've just been to the bird-bath, had a severe and thorough cleaning, under wings and all, and now I shall sit right here in the sun..."

Always a favorite with us all, they're forever on the wing, flitting here and there in our long fernhouse, grabbing bugs and whatever, telling whoever off if another bird ventures within range. After all - it's his pad for a little while. And ofcourse Mr.Willie Wag-tail (or Mrs.) didn't even mind when I slowly crept up with the camera, and took several good shots of him after, and during the thorough cleaning process..this one seemed to be the best, although there was a funny one of him front on with a green leaf either side of his head, which looked like wings, but this one will have to do for today.

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