Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Afternoon Glare

Just to prove that I really am on this January vacation with Mr. Fun and the pooches, I decided this photo would be today's selection. Mr. Fun had gone outside to take photos of the house, of it's windows, because tomorrow the installers from Window World will arrive to begin the removal of old windows and the installation of the new. We've been told it is a two-day job.

While he was outside taking photos, I was busy at one end of the front room with my computer and the pups had seen him through the windows and were barking and wagging their tails. So about the moment Mr. Fun decided to take their picture, they lost interest and wouldn't look at him again. So I came to the rescue. Chloe wasn't sure what I was doing and was slightly afraid, so she didn't really pose. Mitzi did a little better. The late afternoon sunlight is causing glare, but that's okay. Glare happens. Our lives are not always picture perfect and this photo is proof and so is the remainder of this story.

Then the most gorgeous sunset happened, and yes I did take lots of photos and when the sun had finally set, I put a quickly made chicken and rice casserole in the oven and was going to walk 4-blocks to the Senior Citizens Thrift Store to get a book I had seen earlier in the day in their giveaway box out in front of the store. When I announced I was going, Mr. Fun said not without him. So we put the pups in their crates, slipped on our jackets, and out the door we went. I left my purse in the house because I didn't need any money.

We got to the bottom of the outside steps and Mr. Fun announced he had left his keys and phone in the house and asked me for my keys. I said, "My keys are in my purse in the house." Instantly I knew we were in trouble. I suggested that he had a spare key in a safe hiding place and that would get us into the house. "No!" that key had been removed from the hiding place because it didn't need to be hidden while we were here in January because we could let any and all construction workers in because we are here.

Quickly we were realizing that we were most definitely locked out with an oven full of food cooking and the 3 pups in their crates in the house. Mr. Fun headed to the backyard and broke a window (it is going to be replaced tomorrow anyway when the Window World people get here) and climbed through to get the door unlocked. If you suspect that he was a little angry, he was not, he was a lot angry. He couldln't believe that I didn't have my purse with me. If you think we were having an uncomfortable moment, you would be correct.

Once we had his keys, he insisted that we walk to the thrift store to get that book I had seen earlier in the day when we were out for a very long walk with the dogs, but had left the book in the box because we were walking toward the pier, away from the house, and I didn't want to carry something extra.

So when he insisted that we should now go get that book, I gently reminded him that there was no guarantee that the book would still be there. (It was a book of essays and one was by Nicholas Sparks.) You can predict the outcome of this story, right.

We walked the four blocks; with our flashlights we searched through the box of magazines and books and sure enough, the book I had seen earlier in the day was already taken. We then walked the 4-blocks back home.

I made a salad, warmed some green beans, and pulled the delicious chicken casserole from the oven and let this good meal override the moment without keys, breaking a window, and the loss of a freebee book!

Good night from California's Central Coast,
where the 29th is still a very good day!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

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