Marvin and Morris

Moving towards the close of week seven of this on line teaching high school Art and Music experience, once again, the need for my personal growth, at the totally wrong end of my career, cleared another learning hurdle today. Meet ceramic kitties Marvin and Morris in today's pic. So much older than any of my students, having been a gift from a friend in my own High school days, they are today the leading lights of my first, (and probably last), very, very short stop action animation created entirely to learn how, in order to demonstrate how, to my Art class of 14/15 year olds this afternoon. The latest in my quest to generate interesting, relevant and useful artistic assignments via a digital platform for teenagers. I hope that they will rise to the challenge of exceeding the (very) low bar of doing a better job than I did. I suspect that some of them already have superior skills but they were kind enough not to mention it. 

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