Changing values

I had bread flour and yeast in stock way before the present situation so have been able to make bread - but not cakes, as I only had about 4oz each of plain and self-raising flour and bread flour is a bit heavy for cake.  More in hope than expectation I put 'SR or Plain Four' on my list a couple of weeks ago for the lovely young lady who is doing my shopping at the moment (I'm in the 'old' category !) There was none. However, this week she found one solitary bag of SR - it was right at the back of the bottom shelf (so she must have actually looked for it). I never expected to be so pleased to get a bag of flour! But, there's more ! - today I reached into my cupboard for a bag of Wholemeal Bread flour - saw two brown bags - and discovered that one of them is actually not bread flour, nor even wholemeal, but is actually Plain Flour - double joy - my cup of happiness runneth over !!! Cake will be made tomorrow - VE day and cake - how very British.

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