
By stellarossa

Afternoon Tea

To commemorate VE Day about a dozen houses put out bunting and had tea in the front garden with others walking up and down to say hello from a safe distance. We had a puppy barrier and Juno was very pleased with all the attention she got.

Josh’s old primary school friends from the vicinity wandered by and caught up on the last 15 years. They are all about to hit a very uncertain job market.

Chris from over the road demonstrated how his lovely cocker mix, Jess, rides on his specially adapted bicycle. Sue put up her late mother in law’s original VE Day Flag’s which we all admired, and the 30-34s skipped the tea and went straight for Prosecco.

Earlier in the day we had a little drama. I was up early proof-Reading Josh’s dissertation as he frantically tried to meet the 11am deadline to upload it. At 10.50 his computer froze. After 9 agonising minutes he managed to upload it at 10.59. Afterwards, reflecting on why he had left so much to the last minute, he said “I’d have though I would have grown out of this by now.” Indeed, Josh, indeed.

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