Delivery daughter

The weather wasn’t as bad as expected when #3 daughter did out fortnightly shop. We’ve not seen her for 4 weeks as #2 came 2 weeks ago. They like the change and want to keep an eye on us and it certainly helps us. Essential travel it was as we have got fresh fruit and veg as well as some lovely treats like veggie samosas to look forward to.

We sat in the garden out of the wind. It was such a treat for us to see her. She borrowed the next Denise Mina and we gave her wine and homemade cakes.

At 6 we are having a virtual drink with friends made on our Kyrgyzstan trip. We’ll need to listen to the PM at 7 for his latest update. I hope it is not going to be as clueless and muddled as the leaked info suggests.

Heading in to our 9th week of lockdown.

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