Hasn't it been cold today? First thing this morning I only went round the block for toileting purposes because I was going out on my big walk after breakfast. Ann had on linen trousers, no socks and a summer jacket. She was freezing and we were only out for 10 mins. Anyway after breakfast off we went to 'Craigmillar Park Golf Course' to continue on with my project of walking around all of Edinburgh's golf courses before the lock down restrictions are lifted. By then Ann had put on different trousers, socks and her padded anorak so she was all warm and cosy.

I'm loving our Golf Courses Challenge. There's just so much space on them for a little collie pup like me to have a good run about. And the good thing about today was...................... because it was so cold the only other people out walking were other dog walkers or lone people doing their daily exercise. No families with little people riding their bikes or throwing balls that I try to steal. Just a massive golf course for me to run and run and run on. We even saw a deer having a little saunter across the greens.

Home for lunch well actually it was my breakfast that I hadn't eaten earlier and I had a bit of a snooze while Ann had a video chat with her friends and then watched the last episode of 'The Slap'. Very interesting and thought provoking if you've not seen it.

And then we went to the park to meet one of Ann's friends who is 60 tomorrow. She wanted to drop off some flowers from the 'gang' but obviously once she'd handed them over she had to jump 2m back. No hugs, no kisses, no celebratory glass of champagne. Just, 'here you are', and a half hour social distancing walk in the park. And let's face it; a social distancing walk doesn't exactly adhere itself to a private conversation. Not that anyone has anything to talk about these days because nobody has done anything so the main topic of conversation is how long the queues are to get into a supermarket??!!

BUT even though we are still in lock down in Scotland for the foreseeable future, Nicola has told us that we can now go out to exercise for however long we feel is necessary. Yay!  To be honest Ann has already been breaking that rule and has been taking me out twice a day it's the only rule she's broken because she would argue with anyone that taking out an active little collie pup who lives in a 4th floor flat is 'essential' going out.

BUT the only time she goes out in the car is when she does Mrs R's shop. She doesn't go out to buy DIY stuff or plants or a coffee or a takeaway because non of those things are essential. She's trying really hard to follow all the rules because she really wants to get out of this lock down thing and get on with her life ASAP which I'm sure everybody else does too. However, there still seems to be people driving to go for a walk, or driving half way across town because they prefer a particular supermarket rather than their local one or 'old people' (who should actually be in isolation for 3 months) jumping on a bus and just sitting there for a couple of hours because they want to go out for a little jolly.

Oh dear, my human is getting a bit ranty now isn't she. Apparently it's one of the normal traits of being in lock down. I guess it's better than stuffing her face with cakes & chocolate. Or drinking copious quantities of alcohol she'll do that later. Or constantly crying or obsessively cleaning everything. Actually, obsessively cleaning everything would probably be a good thing.

At the end of the day I guess all of our humans are coping with lock down in their own way and nobody can say whether that way is right or wrong.

As for me.......................... I've been out for almost four hours today and am now very, very, hungry so I'm hoping that once Ann has helped me post my Blip she'll also remember to feed me????????!!!!!!

PS – Apparently Boris is making a statement tonight at 7pm about how restrictions are going to be lifted. Hmmmm................ that will be interesting because it's not actually about how restrictions are going to be lifted in the UK, it's about how restrictions are going to be lifted in England. In Scotland, we're still in lock down. (And rightly so in my humans opinion) And my human doesn't want to get into a political discussion here, but actually the more she sees of Nicola fronting up Scotland and being out there every single day facing her public, the more she admires her.

PPS – Will try not to be so 'ranty' tomorrow. Apparently I'm going walking on Liberton Golf Course. An hour to get there, an hour to get back and an hour on the course. That will be a lovely walk for me. Yay!!!!

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