Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Vitamin D

Today I learnt that I'm a fair weather jogger and I'm okay with that. I got up at 6am, out on my running stuff, stopped to have a glass of water before heading out and made the mistake of looking out of the window. It was raining and blowing a gale. I tried to persuade myself out but it wasn't happening.

As I'm on various medications and supplements, I figured it was sensible to have a record of them all in one place on my phone should I ever need medical assistance and need to tell someone what I've taken (a handful of happy bacteria may not satisfy them). I've been on a vitamin D supplement for the best part of a year. At the minute with not walking to work and not sitting in my sunny daylit office or having lunch outside it's more important than ever.

There's also more and more research to say it's fantastic for all sorts of things.

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