
By Bob20

My mum in her 88th year

I have been away since posting yesterday's blip, visiting my mum and sister. As soon as I have had a glass of wine and a quick 5 mins with my feet up in front of the telly, I will reply to yesterday's comments. Thank you everyone for your comments.

Who better to have a go at portrait photography on, than my mum, although it is more of a snapshot. Getting her to smile today was tricky as it was not a good day for her. She is 88 this year and is in a specialist nursing home in Surrey. She has Auzheimer's disease, and her moods are very unpredictable and swing quickly. She is very well looked after which is a godsend.

Mum is a very determined lady. She spent her working life as principal of what were called Colleges of Further Education, I haven't a clue what they are called these days, probably universities? I don't know, and asking mum produces some very weird and funny responses!!! She was also a fashion adviser to some very big High Street fashion Stores during this time.

One thing about her has always been her ability to be liked and that is the same in her nursing home. All the staff like her and enjoy being with mum, which is great.

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