Siege Mentality

This lockdown seems to have engendered a siege mentality in the Dower House with the resultant stash of unhealthy comfort food. If anyone is worried that these delicacies were actually consumed today, let me say that in the absence of any outdoor blip, they stood me in good stead as a replacement, but rest assured they will be returned to the box of supplies for use in times of greatest need. Today was not that time.

It is ironic that now we Scots are allowed out multiple times a day for exercise, I was out less than normal. I walked yesterday’s baking to Maggies at 8am and left it on the table there for the nurses over the road at the Western General hospital to have on their breaks. I was back in the house by 9am and happy to consider the 5 miles my day’s exercise.
The sun may have been out but I was happy to admire it from inside while I did some more baking for one of tomorrow’s birthday boys.

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