
By brambleblossom

Red campion amid the bramble .

I came across this pretty flower on my daily walk growing amid a thicket of bramble,   which will hopefully produce blossom and berries at some point . My flower guide suggests that it’s red campion but if anyone reading this knows better please let me know. 
There has been a lot of dialogue today in the aftermath of our glorious leaders pronouncements yesterday evening . A number of friends from other countries have made contact to say how sorry they are for us going it alone and treading such a different course from our fellow nations. 
There have been some excellent and informative articles circulating and I have shared them with everyone I can think of . The trouble is you can take a horse to water but it has to choose to drink . 
On a lighter note , I have had several socially distanced door step chats with close friends which has been lovely . 
The tomato plants survived a night of low temperatures and Dave’s shoulder seems to be doing well . 
Looking forward now to having a browse through the excellent photos that are on offer . 

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