Dr Jones

By jones

River walk

I woke up at 5.30am and was awake for ages thinking that I wouldn't go back to sleep but I must have fallen asleep as I was woken up by my husband at 7.45am with a cup of tea. I have got two weeks of teaching a Masters course and today was the first day. It probably explained why I woke up so early as I was quite anxious. I had been testing the software yesterday and it was full of glitches and I was worried that things would go wrong but it turned out all right in the end. I even got positive feedback by some of the students.
The weather is much, much colder today. Later on in the afternoon, the girls and I went for a walk along the river. Today we were wearing our coats. Hard to believe we were sitting outside in the evenings in our shorts and t shirts on Saturday.

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