
By Houseonahill6

Our 35th Wedding Anniversary

It does not seem possible that we are now celebrating our 35th Wedding Anniversary but today although different to the day / weekend we had planned we had a good day. I knew I should not have got the old photos out as I soon became distracted and lost a few hours refreshing my memory.
Mike went over to Inverness to get some shopping and came back with bunches of flowers, a clematis ( which he was pleased about as he ended up with a £5 voucher so it was free) and a few fruit bushes for the allotment.All essential items to us ;)
We had a tasty steak for dinner followed by chocolate trifle.
The sparrows have fledged, I counted three.The other family of robins are out and about now as well and in the garden but they are so quick as soon as I catch a glimpse they hide.
Mixed weather after a cold night. I waited till it warmed up and removed the fleece, everything seems ok.A couple of hail showers and sun shine too. A wonderful bright rainbow to end the day.

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