Three sheets to the wind ....

A wee trip off farm today to drop a load of cattle off at St Boswell’s mart. Not a usual mart day by any means. Sellers had to just let their cattle off at the loading bays ( which had every 2nd one shut off to maintain a safe distance from others) then leave. Usually you would help pen up your cattle, have a bit chat with folk, go to the canteen for breakfast then stand beside the auctioneer’s box while your lot were sold, go to the office and collect your cheque. None of that today though.
Did manage to give the trailer a wash out at the wash bay before heading home though.
The roads, though not back to normal, were busier than the last day I was here. Hopefully folk will listen to the Scottish Gov advice to stay home. Not the meaningless babble from Boris south of the border.
The wool sheets were delivered tonight- all 70 of them. Won’t be long until that job needs doing- roll on June !

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