Tutus and Tiaras

This week is tutus and tiaras week at her ballet class as its her teachers birthday week. She had a meltdown about the tutu and took it off, wanted the Tiara but still threw a strop. But I walked in after her class and she'd put the tutu back on because everyone else was wearing one (she even said she liked hers best!) Kids!

She was awesome in her bassoon lesson today. She's just making staggering progress. She's flying through really quite advanced repertoire.  B gave her some g8 work because she was intrigued with how she'd handle it. Katie shrugged and cracked on like it was nothing. She worked so well that after her lesson Katie got a pile of music books including a brand new one as a huge treat. They are also plotting the implications of the changes to lockdown . First up will be a walk with (their own) socially distanced hot chocolates on the pasture, leaving mummy at home!

Its quite funny, B can always tell if Katie has had her daily exercise or not before  her bassoon lesson. She hadn't this week, though it was after tea before we made it out. 

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