Cheers Blippers ...

Thankyou all for your comments on my 600th Blip yesterday they were wonderful, your comments mean alot to me.

Tracey xxx

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers today x

Thankyou boys for my wonderful flowers and card

Loves Ya Loads Boys

Mum xxx

I needed this glass of red wine this afternoon, I feel a little tipsy right now, you know when I hurt my little finger a while back, well last night I went to get my laptop lead from my desk and I slipped over and banged my other little finger on the unit causing another mallet finger injury to my left hands little finger this time.

I went to the hospital with Aaron to be told I needed another splint and to go have it looked at in A&E as they couldnt sort it there and then as they said i may need an x ray, so Aaron and I went across to AE to be told it was going to be at least a six hour wait, I decided to come home and put my old splint on else it would have been at least 4am before I even got seen, imy finger is very swollen and sore and the splint I have at home is a little tight but I am still wearing it for now, I will see how it is in the morning else I will have to go to the Hospital, grr.

I hate this Hypermobility Syndrome at times as when I hurt myself I really seem to injure myself badly.

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