Views of my world

By rosamund


My least favourite part of knitting with lots of colours is sewing in all the ends. I finished my sock tonight but I doubt very much if I'll get all these ends sewn in by the end of tomorrow! I don't hate it as much as some people do, there is a therapeutic meditative quality to such a repetitive task and I always enjoy the finishing process of any craft so I see it as a very necessary evil. I'm chuffed that they're finished so now the folk with wee feet and skinny ankles will need to hold some sort of prize draw to see who will get them.

Enjoyed my commute today in the new car, it's very comfy and quiet and has a great stereo. I have a radio transmitter for my iPod so I only listen to music when I'm driving and it fits the bill perfectly for that. Peach and orange blossom was my air freshener of choice and I managed to get my seat and the mirrors all adjusted just so.

Looking forward to tomorrow. I thought I would be dreading the big four-oh but I'm actually quite excited. Carlos has taken the day off so he can make me breakfast and cook the dinner and the children have promised to do all the daily chores so I won't need to lift a finger. I need to take cakes into work, as is tradition, so I have a nice supply from Waitrose ready to go. See you on the other side!

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