Views of my world

By rosamund


Carlos said he couldn't put 40 on the cake as it would be a fire hazard! Cheeky beggar! Instead I got 4211 which were the only numeral candles we had but 42-1-1=40 so all is well.

I've been spoiled rotten all day long and had so much cake I may actually be sick. It started with a lovely family breakfast and no household chores which was divine. The girls at work put on a lovely lunch and were ridiculously generous with universally accepted finance vouchers which quite took me aback!

I got lots of lovely cards and had another cake at the cluster management group who all sang Happy birthday when I came in which was another nice surprise. I had a late meeting so didn't get home til nearly 7 but Carlos had done a great job of cooking steak and chips which was delicious. He also had to deal with a leak we had in the roof today but the emergency workmen never came so he will need to wait in for them tomorrow.

I got lots of lovely presents too, as well as my eternity ring which I got back in September Carlos got me a Bluetooth speaker for my iPad and an air freshener for the new car. Freya got me a cake stand made of an old vinyl record and Noah got me a lovely scarf. I also got a beautiful necklace from a dear friend and had got a lovely shiny bracelet in my card the other day from another special friend.

I'm looking forward to spending time with family and friends on Saturday night and have been so touched by all the cards which have arrived already. I read a blip yesterday that talked about love and I was full of it today.

I've been thinking a lot about my 30th and how much has changed in the last 10 years. I was a freshly separated single mum of a 2 & 4 year old living in a house I was about to lose. I then endured 5 tough years and in 2008 it all changed. I became a head teacher, met Carlos and have never looked back. Now I'm 40, my kids are awesome, my husband is amazing, my work is fulfilling and my family and friends give me so much love.

I'm 40, and I love it!!

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