Look at this photo. After almost 8 weeks in lock down I finally seem to have got the social distancing thing. Yay!

Today's walk was on 'Ravelston Golf Course' and 'Murrayfield Golf Course'. We're trying to get all the 'Edinburgh Golf Courses' walked before the lock down restrictions are lifted. Both of these golf courses were lovely places to walk. Fabulous views (see extras). And as a bonus just look who we met...................... one of my most favourite people in the world. Ann's friend, Kay. I did a bit of silly 'jumping up' at her initially but just look how good my social distancing is here.

Our walk today took us about 4 hours so when we got home we both had to have a snooze.

Still got a few more golf courses to walk on, but unfortunately they're all at the other side of town so will take at least an hour and a half to get to. And here in Scotland we're still not allowed to drive to go for our walks, though we can go out to exercise more than once now.

Anyway we're both still tired, so nothing more to say.


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