Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 52: it doesn’t make sense

Everyone is confused so they are starting to do whatever they like. Whilst "staying alert" of course. I mean I’m not even going out in any meaningful way, and I am glaring at everyone to make it clear that I am alert. But the elastic has started to go slack in the pants of lockdown. There is more traffic, the garden centres are packed and the far right are planning US style demos claiming that it’s all a conspiracy and that alien reptiles are using 5G to beam Covid through our letterboxes. Seal up your flaps but go out and buy geraniums is the new mantra of confusion

I’m keeping my head down and focusing on getting back into the groove. Had a reasonable day in the VWOW (Virtual World Of Work) and we actually had an office party on Zoom at 5pm, with music and a quiz and lots of chat. Very good fun. Finished the day with a 5k sunset walk with TSM and a game of kalooki. 

Tomorrow is a little bit of work and a lot of garden maintenance ...

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