Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 51: Life On Mars

I worked pretty well today although I was a wee bit tired due to watching a movie way beyond my usual bedtime and then waking up for an hour in the middle of the night. My dreams are so vivid at the moment that I can’t go straight back to sleep. I won’t even tell you how weird they were last night. 

The Dizzle had a new desk delivered. We now have three different offices on three different levels of the house. 

After work I had a Zoom reunion with some old Uni pals. Very funny hour, everyone looked in good spirits. Our reminiscences go back 43 years.

As I was in nostalgic mood Mystic Em agreed to recreate the old BBC test card for me. I think she does a pretty good job although Bubbles still steals the show. 

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