a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Traipsed off to a post-work drink for a 'strategy meeting' with colleagues (i.e. someone - let's call him Meester X - has a new boyfriend with a birthday coming up, so we needed to retire to a quiet corner and come up with an idea for a cool birthday cake. We decided on a sculpted mountainside made of upside down ice cream cones in green butter icing with a tent and general hiking/camping theme. Lots of Lego).

Inspiration was helped along with a cocktail called Fire & Brimstone in a faux Prohibition- era bar. I swear for an hour afterward I felt as if I'd drunk aeroplane fuel. Awfully potent.

Not having been to this particular place before, I wanted to get a photo of the fitout. But when I asked if it was ok for me to take a quick photo, the bar staff assumed that I'd meant I wanted to take a quick photo of them. And I didn't have the heart to disillusion them (they were very friendly, and they were the ones making our drinks, after all).

The photo's not great (let me rephrase that, it's pretty darn awful)- it's got a lot of noise as the venue was belowground and fairly poorly lit. And I had to move fast to get a shot as the serious drinkers standing behind me were starting to jostle for attention. But hey, it's a blip. :-)

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