A close shave...

Lesson 1: never go to trim your beard first thing in the morning when half asleep.

Result: left guard down and got a big bald patch meaning I had to have a wet shave and take it all off.

Did some much needed chores thereafter then whilst L had a zoom gymnastics session I went out for a bike ride.

Went somewhere new on the bike and would you believe I met the family of the NHS professionals who I have sourced the 300 visors for our the blue! Haven’t seen them for around 2 years. What’s the chances! Met them in the middle of nowhere on a trail. Must be a sign.

In other news I am now a Tik Tok person. Got an account and did my first video last night with L.

She thinks I’m a cool dad. Just wait till she’s about 16! I’ll be the ‘embarrassing’ dad....

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