Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

I'm blown away by the response to my giant saguaro flowers yesterday.  Thanks.  As you can see, I've put my comments back on.  Thanks for the concern from several people who contacted me.

Spoke to WVgirl and had a tele-therapy appointment.  Tried making room for photos on my little computer which I will need to bring to Madera Canyon with me.  I managed to rig my good laptop, the one with the broken hinge, into working condition but the screen has to stay at a 90° angle with the keyboard.  I can't close it (or even move the screen) without them coming separated from each other. It has a 1TB hard drive.  The little one has 8GB. Unless I try to travel with an open 17" laptop, I will have to bring the small one. 
It will mean I'll have to shoot in jpg (I usually shoot in RAW) and preview/delete shots as I go along.  I bought two large thumb drives to bring with me.  Don't know if this will work  but I thought I could upload my photos to that laptop and transfer everything onto those drives.  Then delete everything from the computer and pick out what I want to use from the external drives. I might be wrong, and probably am, but I'd like to hear from anyone who followed that.

EDIT: Some of you know, as a former math teacher, how much I love numbers and number play.  In that vein, today is blip 3434.  :-)
Whenever I hit a number like this I think of this song

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