
By Madchickenwoman


Lots of watering and tidying to do on the allotment before I took Oscar to this field - no-one joined us Ivy's owner was playing golf for the first time since lockdown - he was so looking forward to it! The Exile was too busy doing lesson plans to join us! Oscar had a happy time chasing his tennis ball and hunting for things in the long grass.
I had two deliveries in the afternoon - hair clippers and flour! I can't cope with my hair getting longer and longer until the hairdressers are allowed to open in July! I would look like Cousin It! My flour came in two big sacks which surprised me and gave me a "duh"  moment! I had wondered why I could order 16kg but not anything smaller - surely if flour was scarce it would be better to sell in smaller quantities? Well my sister explained it to me - the small bags sold out as people panic bought and only the big bags that would have gone to restaurants etc were left as although millers are working round the clock they can't pack it into small bags to meet demand! I wonder if Paul Hollywoods books are doing a roaring trade? Luckily I already have one of his books! I shall be making an awful lot of sourdough and brioche and maybe other types of bread over the coming weeks! 

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