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By pplnani

The Biggest Poppy

........ I have ever seen

.......... and an extra just for scale :-))

It was growing in a very narrow border at the side of someone's house.

We have two post boxes in the village and the nearest one annoyingly gets collected before 9am in the morning ( what use is that to anyone?). The other box which is right at the far end of the village gets collected at 4.30pm but is a rather long walk for me ( especially in this heat and full sun) so I couldn't decide which one to post my letter in....... I'm sure you're now completely bored with all this rambling but if you're still reading...... there's more ;-))
In the end I trudged down to the furthest one in the hope that my letter will arrive tomorrow. It was a very hot walk because most of it has no shade and I had to carefully negotiate round several people and half a dozen workmen ( who clearly have no idea what social distancing means ) on the narrow pavement in the High Street but if I hadn't done it I wouldn't have found today's blip........... it's the most excitement I've had for weeks, hmmmm :-/

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