Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


This is Felix eating my book! He sleeps for most of the day then has a mad-attack that lasts about 20 minutes, usually late at night, where he gets very annoyed if you don't play fight with him! He resolves this by getting your attention and tearing up newspapers, any nearby paper or in this case my book. The wee bugger! LOL
Clearly serves me right for waking him up and tipping him off my lap so I could go to the loo!

Luckily this book has already done the rounds (it was my sisters and v popular, I think I'm the 5th person to read it) so I'm not too bothered. He'd be in for a bit of a shock if he'd done it to any of my precious books.

Good read by the way :o) "Friends Like These" by Danny Wallace. As always, very funny and most endearing. Perfect light reading after something weighty.

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