Splendor in the Grass

I was 2 minutes into my morning walk when I rounded the corner and saw a brown lump. What on Earth is that?

It's a fawn, a baby deer. 

This is the 4th time I have seen this situation. Mama deer goes off to do mama deer things, and "tells" the baby to stay...to lay low. Even after seeing it 4 times, many questions remain.

1. What is Mom thinking when she puts baby in someone's front yard? How about at least behind a bush?
2. Why does Mom have to leave her? Too far to travel? Afraid of where she's going? Too much activity for baby? Too many automobiles?
3. From baby's viewpoint...Where does she get the will...to stay so perfectly still? How can she not move an inch...without even a little flinch? With all the commotion and bustle...how can she not move a muscle?
4. We tried to keep the required 6 feet away from her, but what if a neighborhood dog broke loose, and attacked her? Would she move then? Would she put up any resistance?

So many questions, not enough answers. But, still exciting to see the darling little bundle. I'm going to check back later to make sure mama picked her up.

P.S. Almost forgot. 47 years ago Miss Lisa and I walked down the aisle. We were married by my Dad, who performed his 7 minute special. Love you Dad, love you Lisa.

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