Capital adventures

By marchmont

Who forgot their toothbrush?

Do you remember a much younger, red headed, Chris Evans on a Saturday night? Channel 4, 'Don't forget your toothbrush'. Well this is the numpty that did - again. How many times have I done that? Luckily I noticed while disrobing from winter gear to lighter apparel in the N Terminal toilets. So thank you Boots. I took it out the bathroom I assume I put it down somewhere and moved on.

But it was an early start. Up at 6 and at the Waverley by 6.55. Goid, 1st class, trip to King's Cross and then a fab minicab company who sent the same driver to take me to the office and then, after the meeting, on to Blackfriars, in a black Prius.

So here I am, on holiday, 29.8 kgs checked in and a 15 minute delay. Next stop Dubai.

There may be some back blipping ahead.

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