Capital adventures

By marchmont

Molly - again

well it was either my dear moggy, or the rack of shoes behind the cupboard door.

Slept badly last night. I didn't switch off the HP till after midnight and then was woken up about 2.30 with a message from JB. That led to the mind churning about the issues raised and my response. I must have slept though as I woke after 8 with the sound of the rush hour traffic rumbling across the cassies outside.

It was a productive day with new surroundings.

My past caught up with me though. I had a quick visit to the Serenity Cafe and met RC who said she recognised me, and even although I only gave my first name she remembered I'd been an ACEO in Aberdeen 20 years ago when she led Powis YP Project. Wow, what a memory. I obviously made an impact, and given what I did to those projects and the hassles we had, probably not a good one! Her career has been much more exciting than mine.

Tonight's excitement was the arrival of the Tesco man, struggling up the 3 flights.

Watched a really interesting programme about the Second World war commandos.

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