But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Nice One, Squirrel.

Today, by and large, was the sort of day on which you would not send out a dog; Mrs TD sent me out to walk the dogs today. I managed to prevaricate to the extent that it had actually stopped raining and the sun had come out by the time we went and it stayed dry until we returned. The rain from yesterday and this morning had done spectacular things the Esk, but although the raging torrent is a fantastic and noisy spectacle, I found it impossible to capture a suitable image, it's always the same. Fortunately, during the morning's rain this little chap kept me amused for half an hour or so. The camera was at the end of its zoom range, the kitchen window was wet and the light was poor so image quality suffered but, it's the best you're going to get today. He was a lively little fellow, and the peanut feeder on which he was working is behind the bird table, so this is the only relatively unobscured picture of him out of about twenty.

The caption is a reference to "Nice One, Cyril" which was a pop(?) song from 1973 by the Cockerel Chorus and, in turn, refers to Cyril Knowles, full-back for the Spurs at the time; he was, reputedly, the best they have ever had. He died of a brain tumour in 1991.

Today is day 3 of the "Delivery with be 3-5 working days after despatch", so I'm still waiting for the camera which is,Lady Findhorn please note , marginally cheaper than the light and also considerably cheaper than the XZ-1 used for your blip today. This is me getting my retaliation in first.

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