Just one .....
..... vapour line !
If you look closely in the blue sky ( blipped) you can see just one vapour line an aircraft has just passed, this flight path is directly to Heathrow to the west and south east to Gatwick . But the air traffic has been greatly curtailed at the moment .
I was permitted to go to the local Co op this morning at 7.30am ! Gosh I'd forgotten how to shop! Still 1 cashier,1 person stocking shelves and me. Guess I was ok complete with mask and gloves and hand gel. Fully armed I did my shop , few items missing, but the purchase of flowers made me happy . I just hate my house without flowers.
After midday prayers with Mick and my friend and I with our own regular Wednesday spot too , which includes a catch up . It was lunch / coffee time . Then the ironing called . Of course I had to respond. It's mostly finished just having a cup of tea now. Then I have to post a letter, forgotten this morning . That will be it for my day. The weather has been beautiful again do hope you've all enjoyed it and keep safe everyone.
Grateful ..... Knowing essential jobs have been done and dusted today.
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