Hide & Seek

Slept fitfully...awake early, then dozed.....it was so warm last night!

I actually ventured out on my own today, the first time in about 10 weeks!! I had made arrangements to go and visit sis.......was really looking forward to it, felt like a little bit of normality :-)

We did consider going to one of the local garden centres. I drove by on my way to her house, a long queue of people stood in the hot sun....needless to say we gave that a miss!
Instead we sat in the back garden, socially distanced of course, lots of catching up to do. Felt strange not being able to hug her :-/ but Kobi made up for it, constantly nuzzling me and wanting to be stroked :-)

After a bit of lunch and a cuppa sis decided it was time for a short walk for Kobi.....much too warm for anything long.....plus he had been out for an hour and a half this morning. He is a canny thing, he trots on ahead of us, going from one patch of shade to the next, keeping as cool as he can.... as you can see here :-)
Just as we arrived back to her house, my BiL arrived back from work. I hadnt seen him for a good while.......I think he was surprised at my weight loss ;-) He said Id be 4 stone by the next time he sees me lol!!!

As I was leaving home earlier I noticed black plumes of smoke.....could still see them on my return, but much greyer. Turns out its a recycling plant in nearby Newton le Willows ablaze, its taken all day to bring it under control apparently!!

Home, a quick change into some shorts and flipflops, then out into the garden......had a brew with hub, he'd been busy mowing the lawn as the green bin is due to be emptied tomorrow. I cut back some ivy in the front, weeded the front borders, deadheaded some tulips & muscari.....cut back the low lying pine that overhangs the path to the front door...green bin now almost full ;-)

We sat in the evening sunshine, opened a chilled bottle of white wine.....stayed out until the sun went down just after 8pm! A quick easy tea, hub fancied pizza.....and I had chicken breast sliced, feta cheese, diced cucumber, tomatoes, red onion & cornichons in a wholemeal pittabread, with a bit of coleslaw on the side.

Daughter dropped a couple of things round this morning just after 7 apparently....not that we were up, they included two slices of chocolate brownie courtesy of Emily, boy were they good, thanks Em xxx

All in all a good day :-)))

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