Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Wednesday — FaceTime with RJ

It was 9:00 this morning and the window cover installer was here putting up our new verticals when my phone sounded that Ashly our granddaughter was calling to do FaceTime. So I captured this screenshot.

Little RJ will be 11 months old on the 24th and he’s walking more and crawling less. He’s a chatterbox and so much fun. Ashly, Robert, and RJ will be moving to a brand new house — a generational house — on the weekend of the 29th. It’s two houses in one and Robert’s parents will be living in the “parent” side of the house. It’s a beautiful home and I’m very excited for them.

After the phone call and after the window covering installation was done, we took both of our cars to get an oil change, and then we spent the rest of the day unloading our TuffSheds — I had books to bring into the house and Mr.Fun set-up his music components and brought in his zillions of record albums.We hardly put a dent in the stored stuff in our sheds.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr.Fun), aka Carol

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