Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Thursday — Morning Stroll

Our granddaughter sent us this photo as she strolled through their neighborhood this morning. RJ’s little feet resting on the beverage bar. The edge of his bottle showing! Their pup Barkley along for the walk. That’s the way to celebrate morning.

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It’s Thursday!

I first woke-up at 5:20 this morning and told Mr. Fun (who was already awake) I would have coffee in twenty minutes. Well, three hours later I woke-up again. I had slept soundly all that time.

I legitimately thought today was Wednesday; I had no idea it was Thursday — Monday morning I cleaned-out my office; Tuesday morning we had a couple coming to look at a wooden bed frame, and they bought it. Hooray! Wednesday we had window coverings installed on the one window in the new patio room that looks into the house. (So there are coverings on either side of the window so if someone is sleeping on either side he or she can control whether someone else can look into the room.) I also had vertical coverings installed on the kitchen window because the blinds were impossible to keep clean; they always had a thick coat of dust — ugh! We like low maintenance life.

So the first three mornings of this week needed our full attention. Thankfully today did not. I guess my body knew that and took advantage of that.

And yesterday, all day I thought it was Friday! Retired life is going to be interesting.

(Yes, this was posted a day late on Friday morning rather than on Thursday. Does anybody really know what time it is?)

From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi

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