Morning run

The view as I went over a bridge on the Nene was lovely, although Mr Swan took a while to get his head out of the water (that, or I wanted a bit of a rest...) 

Nice day, mooched with the boys all morning who were happy enough playing together in cardboard boxes pretty much all morning. Then an afternoon of meetings, which was a little dull, but needs must.  Lots going on and decision making is very hard as no-one knows what on earth is going to be happening long term, interesting at the same time. 

'Late' evening (for us these days) as the husband was tied up with calls most of the evening, which meant the bed, bath, tidy-up routine was done by me and seemed to take simply ages! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The boys playing together 
Lying in the garden doing the crossword, on what would (should!) be work time! 
Video meetings where you can listen in but keep on getting a few things done...! 

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