Another .....
..... secret - - -
I went out this afternoon driving , I thought to a little area quite close to home , I missed the turn . On carrying on down the lane ( I knew the round circle) a turning on the right intrigued me so I took it and soon I crossed over the M25 and came across this beauty spot. Being a lovely afternoon I would have just loved to have done this walk. Unfortunately the beginning of the path was very uneven , tho' I did manage a stroll down this Avenue of trees , so calm and beautiful no one to be seen. The butterfly ( in the blip) just stayed still enough to get one shot. Maybe when I have someone with me I will try using my scooter and could go further .
Another " battle" with BT as the problem still wasn't resolved. Must say both Daniel yesterday and Jammie today were kindness their selves . Hurrah - - it's now all systems go . Phew what a relief after a week of telecommunications I'd really had enough.
Apart from not having even started things I'd " ear marked" to do, it's been a productive day . So tomorrow's another day things will wait ( after all I'm not going anywhere) !
Hope everyone has taken advantage of the day . Stay safe
Grateful ..... that I've succeeded with the technical problem.
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