
By Mindseye

Beautiful twittering

Woke up after 5 again ..... the blinds were flapping against the windowsill, it had become so windy overnight!! Got off again, was downstairs after 8, made a cuppa, took it back to bed for a little while.....hub was pleased as I found a newspaper through our door, a neighbour had picked it up very early whilst he was out ;-)

Breakfast indoors, watching the garden getting battered by the wild wind! As we watched, a large branch snapped and fell onto the lawn, such a shame, it was from our black sambucca, full of tiny pink flowers ready to open :-( Put some laundry in before we headed out for some exercise.

Fortunately it hasnt been a chilly wind, so we stuck to our plans and went up onto the canal towpath for a decent walk. It was even more windy up there......I think the word is "bracing" lol ....got our +10k steps in.

Took plenty of photos, not great quality. We did go down into Pennington Flash, much more shelter down there, which is when I heard this little fellow singing his heart out. Took me a little while to find him in the trees....but I did :-) I have also added some newly born canadian geese chicks in extras, little yellow balls of fluff!

Back home 2ish......a quick sandwich for lunch with a coffee. Pegged the washing out on my whirly dryer, used every single peg I have to ensure "my smalls" didn't end up in nextdoors garden lol :-)))

We sat in the summerhouse reading, listening to the radio....it felt like Dorothys house from The Wizard of Oz, about to take off at any moment!!!! Hub went indoors to listen to the update, I stayed put for snother hour.

I made a chicken, bacon, leek & mushroom pasta bake, topped with parmesan and cheddar cheese for dinner. Browned off in the oven.

We joined our neighbours for the Golf Club quiz, via zoom. This week we were much better, so much so that we won :-)

Had dinner late, then sat down just in time for Gogglebox......now watching Manifest eith my feet up and a JD & coke, cheers everyone :-)

Happy weekend, stay alert & safe x

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