
By Sunseeker

Meadow brown (?) on oregano flowers

The two big clumps of oregano in the garden are flowering and  are covered in these brown-orange butterflies. According to my butterfly book I think they must be meadow browns.
There was a rain storm last night which has watered the garden - and the strong north wind  has cooled down  the atmosphere no end. I'm so glad we didn't get round to putting  away  all the winter clothes and bedding when we arrived  - as they're back in use again now.  Clearly  procrastination is a virtue!
The temperature is much better for  gardening and walking - so  I  did some of both. But a tad too chilly for  swimming so I'm glad I fitted that in yesterday.  Saffron is scared of the wind - every  time there's a big gust  she  rushes inside and up onto the beams in the roof via chest of drawers then top of wardrobe. 
Our neighbours gave us  some freshly baked home-made sour dough bread (one of their acquired lockdown skills) which was  superb.

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