25 peanuts in those pouches!

Fan can really pack them in!

I met my lovely camp pals at the farm stand we go to and we shopped and chatted. It was summer suddenly today, and let me say, plastic gloves and masks are not optimal in the heat, but we must stay safe. I think we can ditch the gloves these days, but the farm stand offers them, so we put them on. I bought some geraniums to decorate the family graves for Memorial Day. I'm a bit late with the Memorial Day planting, I lost track of the holiday...the days are so similar now. T is off on Monday, so she remembered!

After shopping we went across the street to the cemetery with a bit of shade. N. had brought some water for the plants at her parents' graves which happen to be across the street from the farm stand. It was wonderful to laugh and chat together. Five of us from the old camp gang have a running daily text thread that is great but being really together is fabulous. We made plans for a social distancing patio picnic here on June 14th, weather permitting.

Extra, Hunter and my dad, his greatgrandfather

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and hot, 85 degrees at mid day.

All hands wary

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