The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Lockdown Day 61

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We watched The Bourne Ultimatum tonight. As you know, I’m not mad about action films. I find long chase/fight/battle scenes a complete snooze fest and it appears that The Mini Princesses share my opinion.

I was telling them that we had this very conversation earlier this week O’H dear (and also about your amazing “Rain Man” memory when it comes to films*). I also told them that you like a broader range of films than me and used ‘Wrath of the Titans” as an example.

Or at least I tried to: “We went to see a titans film. Clash or Wrath. Can’t remember which...Oh yeah it was Wrash of the Titans.”

The Eldest Mini Princess pointed out my mistake.

“Rash of the Titans? What was the sequel - ‘Cream of the Titans?’”

Probably would have made a better film!


*LTJ, he remembers every film, when he saw it, where he saw it, the company and any conversation about the film or any spin-off conversation. Not to mention every actor, writer, director and every piece of trivia about the film.

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