Agave Azul

The light was just right on the blue agave when I looked out this afternoon. This plant was less than half it's current size when we moved here, and it is both interesting and alarming to watch it grow. They have several ways of reproducing and can grow to a size which is both difficult and costly to remove. Not only do they have very sharp teeth but they contain a syrup that is irritating to the skin and can raise quite a red rash. The syrup is high in sugar which is why it is traditionally used to make tequila. They bloom once, putting up a flower covered spike which contains thousands of seeds. We had a huge one by our driveway which put up a spike that John estimated was 30 feet tall. As all blue agaves (or 'Century Plants') do after they bloom, they die. But they die slowly and unattractively, so we had ours removed. This took two men two days to accomplish.

Our birthday dinner for Jim was very nice. I discovered that my sewing table, which is on wheels and has two fold down leaves makes a perfect buffet table. We were able to put all the food on it so we could all help ourselves and return to our appropriately spaced seats. It was nice to see the boys who will be finishing up the academic year in their bedrooms instead of on campus. Will will be getting his degree, not in a cap and gown with pomp and circumstance but probably in the mailbox.

I had a nice long chat with a Berkeley friend and we discussed the odd dichotomy we are living out, poised between a relatively unchanged routine, and a life that has been turned completely upside down. We both agreed that it does no good to pay much attention to the news, and particularly the pundits, because nobody knows what will happen. The fact that we have a leader who gives voice to any hare brained thought that comes into his head, yet seems not to acknowledge the hard truths about the loss of loss of life and livelihood affecting so many, does not help. The fact that he has made not wearing a mask into a political statement about his 'manliness' is just pathetic. Marcia bemoaned the fact that now that she has two perfectly functioning knees, having had the second one replaced last winter, there is no place to go. They had to cancel an April trip to France. It was nice to get caught up.

It was nice to get a picture of my grand niece, who seems to be adjusting to a new lifestyle. her mother says she will finally wear a mask because they found one that suits her style. I'm putting it in extras.

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