
By Legacy

Lizzie On Squirrel Alert

Sadly, the squirrel was behind her. I wouldn't say that Lizzie is slow, but she has her own set of priorities and apparently the squirrel wasn't one of them. I think she likes the camera and knows when I'm stalking her. She always reacts by turning around to look at me and walk toward the camera.

I have yet to blip what seems to be her favorite pose -- flat on her back with her feet in the air -- mostly because I think someone in the blip community would report me to Animal Control. This is a 20 pound cat with a pink bald spot on her tummy. As hard as I'm trying to get weight off her I have to laugh every time she does it, but it's really not funny. I worry about her health, but we're trying to do something -- no food available at will and at least two 10-15 minute exercise sessions a day with "Da Bird" and a laser light. I need to find a kitty treadmill, something on the order of a hamster wheel, that she could run on. I've thought of getting a harness and taking her for a walk, but I think it would turn into a "drag", a sight which I'm sure would guarantee a visit from Animal Control.

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