
Green paint on hands, feet, floor, table - and paper! The phone went mid clean-up, so I was washing feet and talking work at the same time.  There us a green tinge to part of the floor, but the husband hasn't noticed so I think we'll get away with it!

Shattered, back to the 4.30 start to get the work in, which works really well, just a little brutal. For really excited with the news that the youngests' nursery is opening again on Mondat, decided upon the hours and days, only to have an email to say they had forgotten to mention the funding forms have already been submitted and we will receive no funding for this term, so frustrating, made worse by, through no fault of our own, we missed m
the funding deadline at the last nursery so had to pay 6 weeks of full fees with no government funding - and that I've been emailing the nursery but they hadn't picked up my emails until recently. 

The boys have had another day pottering and planting. We planted our tree, delighted with it!  The (rather bossy) eldest took charge and told us what to do, maybe with a little help from the husband who actually knows what he's doing with these things.....  the youngest played in the garden, avoiding the hose and sprinkler for he really does not like getting wet!  

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