
For some unknown reason, I decided yesterday that the living room had to be painted.  We already had the paint, which has been sat in the garage for about 2 months.  I think I needed something to focus on and to also distract me.  The dog, who always wants to be as close to you as possible created an added dimension to the task in hand... 

Phone call from school around lunch time, just as I was about to head out for a good walk with the dog (he deserved it, as I missed his second walk yesterday).  The youngest wasn't 100% and they thought he would be best at home.  We had a lovely time cuddled up on the sofa (one of us may have fallen asleep).  I love it when mummy duty calls for dropping everything and administering cuddles, I also love that I can be flexible enough to drop everything and hit the sofa when called upon. Once it would have caused all kinds of stress. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The school knowing that whilst the youngest wasn't ill, he still needed to be at home
Getting around to painting the living room - really pleased with the colour 
The dog - we're having a great time at the moment and the walks are doing me no end of good. 

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