Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

No room for leaves

The Pyracantha is heavy with blossom again this year, like big fat sausages hanging down.  The birds will appreciate the berries in the winter.

Rang my surgery today as told on Thursday that my GP would be there - she is not in until tomorrow.  Will have to spend another 1/2 getting through again.

Spent a pleasant hour in the garden of my friend as it is her birthday today.  Took my own mug primed with coffee and spoon and she poured hot water on it.  She had to make do with one of my 'stock' birthday cards as I haven't been anywhere to buy one.  Normally we would have been going out for a celebratory meal this evening.  It is the furthest I have driven since lockdown began (15 minute drive).  Felt very strange.

Rest of the day in the garden finishing my book.  So missing company!

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