I found the Arum lily plucked from mum’s garden just before the house was sold, being obliterated behind some fast growing shrubs. I chopped a couple back, and staked a third allowing light To reach the plant. That was two weeks ago and now it has two blooms.
Di, my gardener popped round today and declared she didn’t need to do anything as I was managing well! Praise indeed. We chatted for an hour, she told me of a few extra jobs that need doing, sprayed weed killer on the drive, and off she went.
Dog went to the hairdressers today, wish I could go to mine! He is much cooler now. After collecting him Mr L and I did a round trip along the coast road to the fish shop and I stocked up on fresh fish, some for the freezer too, and gave the car a run too. Hoping to find time tomorrow to go to a garden centre for compost, bedding plants, loppers And fence paint to finish the job!
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