
By bananablip

Accidental triathlon

A gloriously sunny Bank Holiday. Which means possibly the 4th Bank Holiday in a row that has been such. What a delight.

I didn't plan a triathlon today but spent the morning cycling up to Wem and back via Baschurch which was just utterly delightful. There's just something about cycling in the sunshine that gives me absolute joy. To be honest, I really needed it today because I woke up still so outraged by Boris yesterday and his total support for the ludicrous behaviour of his senior aide. I needed the sunny cycle to clear my head but it actually gave me the space to think through what I wanted to say to my (useless) MP in a letter which I managed to send when I got home. 

This afternoon I went for a little paddle from Montford Bridge which was absolutely delightful. I'm hoping to have a day trip with my colleague, Becci, soon in which we can socially distance ourselves on the river and she can teach me how to paddle properly.

Came back and watched Dominic Cummings' press conference in absolute disbelief. It's hard to control the rage, knowing how many people have sacrificed so much to strictly adhere to the rules and yet this guy had the gall to try and weasel his way out of the fact that he spent over four hours in an enclosed space with somebody showing symptoms of the virus and their small son. The fact that adequate care could not be found in London, with countless voluntary agencies on hand to help, is absolutely ludicrous. I have no more trust in our Prime Minster.

I thought I might as well finish the day completing a triathlon and so went for a quick 3 miles round the block to get rid of more rage. 

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